s aren't happy
the chamber of commerce for its
part saying this
quote, imposing tariffs places
the cost of china's unfair trade
practices squarely on the
shoulders of american consumers,
manufacturers, farmers and
this is not the right approach
there's been a high volume of
reaction in washington today
some manufacturing groups are in
support of the move.
for the most part, republicans
have been hedging saying the end
goal is the right one.
they are still not sure if this
is the way to get there.
>> one of the lines in the lease
today that jumped out at me was
that it said that u.s. companies
may have an interest in
importing items from china
covered by the additional
accordingly they will provide an
opportunity for the public to
request a particular product
from the additional duties
subject to this action
what does that mean?
>> there's a platform for
feedback for companies to weigh
in if this is something that
will hurt them