to that end we support federal
privacy legislation and propose
a legislate a framework for
>> there are several bills in
the works that would let
consumerer opt in to share data.
and google says it gives users
plenty of control over data.
it is a said 160 million people
access the the privacy settings
last month
there are tough questions on
china the plans to operate
pichai said that's on hold right
>> right now we have no plans to
launch in china.
we don't have a search product
our core mission is to provide
users access to information and
getting access to information is
an important human right
so we are always compelled cross
the world to try hard to provide
that information
and but right now there are no
plans to launch search in china.
>> and pichai tried to frame
google as an american company,
upholding american values, even
brought in his personal story an