the team has come up with.
joey: welcome back.
lemonis: thank you.
this looks like new stuff.
joey: yeah.
i made those for you to see.
so this is all scraps
that we have,
and there's suede
and leather and cork,
and i just kind of
mixed them all together.
lemonis: these are awesome.
joey: thanks.
lemonis: really good.
don't you think?
amanda: well, you know
i'm not a color person.
lemonis: who made this?
joey: jackie.
lemonis: this is solid.
jackie, my only feedback
on this is straps.
they're too short, and then
back to the hardware issue.
it's just really junky.
where are, like,
the zippers organized?
like, where is everything?
astra: in there.
lemonis: and why --
so you have to just keep
going back and forth?
astra: yeah.
lemonis: and so why wouldn't you
have it over here
close to where you're working?
joey: this whole place
needs to be reorganized.
i think we all agree on that.
astra: definitely.
joey: yeah.
lemonis: what is all this?
amanda: well, that's scrap.
all of...