overhaul the safety net.
joining us is ohio senator rob
portman, a republican.
and senator, it's good to see
you today.
thanks for being here.
>> good morning, becky, thanks
for having me on
>> so let's start with the debt
ceiling and a showdown that's
taking place here.
schumer and pelosi have said
they are going to move
legislation on this, mcconnell
from the republican side just
said forget it, you are not
getting any support from us.
i know a lot of us have kind of
gotten enured to these debt
ceiling talks.
it's a crisis, it seems to get
averted at the last minute,
would you vote no on something
to raise the debt ceiling which
is basically agreeing to pay the
bills that we have already
bugged for this year
the treasury secretary says
we'll run out of money in
>> yeah, it is eend of october
so we're not up against it
typically, we wait until we are
up against it.
so this is putting the cr, which
is the september 30th deadline
along with the deadline so it's