a stranger picked up the kids
and took them to the newtown
police department.
unbe knownst to the parents when
they went to talk to the state
troopers, et cetera, their son
was unaccounted for.
so they told them to look in the
woods, go door to door, talk to
people and for an hour or so
they had no idea where their son
they called the police
department a couple of times and
they had no record of him being
finally after an hour and a half
they called and were relieved to
find out their son had been
dropped off at the police
department safe len sound.
>> at that time they must have
thought the worst.
>> they thought the worst.
it was very difficult time for
he said it was the worst hour
and a half he's ever experienced
in his life.
>> police interviewed this first
grader, i'm guessing he's 6, 7
years old.
>> he's 6 years old.
they did interview him since he
was there.
>> what was he able to tell
what details.
>> they asked him, the interview
was very elementary...