die are individuals really can
be from a few thousand to way
the fact that we're having what
looks like the -- a pretty bad
beginning of the season can turn
out to be a full season and the
fact that we're dealing with h 3
n 2 means we should be concerned
and make sure that we can do
everything that we possibly can.
the way to prevent it is the
personal hygiene measures but
also getting vaccinated.
if you do get the flu and
physicians know this and should
know this, if somebody gets
hospitalized or has serious flu
or is in one of the high-risk
groups like a pregnant
individual, pregnant woman, a
young child or an elderly
individual over 65 or someone
with a chronic condition, they
should be treated with the
anti-flu medicines, like tamaflu
and we know that this influenza
is sensitive to the anti-flu
medications that we have.
>> dr. fauci, thank you so much
for joining us.