let's bring in our senior legal
analyst jeffrey toobin.
you know, what jumped out at me,
jeff, is that the m.i.t. police
officer sean collier was killed
after apparently these
allegations if they're true the
three students recognized the
picture and apparently failed to
call the fbi or local police and
say we know who at least one of
the suspects is.
i wonder if they potentially
could be charged with some sort
of involvement in negligent
homicide if you will in the
death of that m.i.t. police
>> i think that's unlikely.
it's very difficult to prosecute
people for failing to act.
that's been a traditional
dilemma in american law about
how you can hold people
responsible for moral faults
like that, but that is no really
a criminal offense.
they're in a world of trouble
for what they did do.
i think it's going to be
difficult to prosecute them for
what they didn't do.
>> if they would have
immediately called the campus
police or the local police or