have an unusual ally in the
corner, and the city of oakland
has taken the city to court to
keep harborside up and running.
this marks the first time any
city has taken the u.s.
government the court over its
marijuana laws.
>> so the next big test is going
to be december 20th.
it is going to be a really
historic day of hearings and
critical constitutional issues
about the power of local tiitie
and the cities and the states
and the relationships to each
other will be discussed and
implicated in the case.
it is a case of huge national
first with le heare will hear am
the city to stop all of the
if the judge hears a motion on
that day, it stops everything in
its tracks and will never
resurrect it again.
but then we will hear motions
from the landlords to ask the
court to ask us to cease and
desist selling cannabis.