zoraida, martin?
>> nic robertson, thank you very
>>> as we enter now week two of
the recovery in the philippines
after that deadly supertyphoon,
people in that largely catholic
nation are going to church and
many are finding their places of
worship badly damaged, the roof
ripped off of some of those
>> the number of dead jumped
again overnight.
the government confirming now
3,681 deaths there, with more
than 12,500 people hurt.
and more than 1,100 are reported
>> reporter kyle penhaul is in
tacloban, and i know you've been
attending some of those masses
this morning and i know it's
been very emotional.
>> reporter: that's right,
martin and zoraida, we were down
at the santo nina church, one of
the largest here.
the roof was completely peeled
off by that supertyphoon.
so as the mass was going on,
rain, because it's rainy season
here, was just pouring down into
the church, down the aisles, and
on to the pews.
and there at one end, at the