it's interesting that they would
float something so serious.
>> yeah.
in the interview -- i'll put it
up on the screen, he also told
you this -- he said, no one has
credibly shown any harm to
national security.
the president himself admitted
both that changes are necessary
and that he is certain the
debate my actions started will
make us stronger.
although the president in that
long interview in your magazine
did say there was major damage
to national security.
>> he basically said that there
was more damage than good that
came out of it.
but he has, as mr. snowden is
saying, said that it has
provoked a debate that has been
useful in this country.
and what snowden said to me was,
i've brought the american public
to the table.
and he also said, if in fact
he's smeared and his reputation
is ruined, he said, if i end up
in a ditch at the end of the day
and reform comes out of this, it