go see a temple in the
afternoon, after seeing a
display of all the gifts
presented to these three leaders
in north korea, members of the
kim family.
in the middle of lunch, i was
pulled away from the table and
told were to get on a van right
away and go back to pyongyang
because we were going to speak
with a government official.
that alone was surprising to us
as we drove our minders around
the phone, pulled over, stepped
away from the van, made more
phone calls.
we still didn't know really
where we were.
it was a different route than
we'd been taking this entire
week we've been here.
as we were standing by the front
door, we were told there's
another change of plans and
we've been granted interviews
with all three americans being
held her right now under the
conditions that we not exceed
five minutes and we only talk
about the charges they're
facing, the treatment they're
getting and the message for
their families and the u.s.
>> all right, will, and you
interviewed all...