to outbuild your rivals.
american colleges are driven by
the pursuit of prestige, and the
way you get prestige is that you
get the highest ranking, which
expands your market and allows
you to charge more.
>> so in order to go up the
ladder, everybody has to keep
adding more programs and more
facilities at a faster rate than
the competitors.
>> this really was the most
grandiose vision of what a
university could be, that it was
a place of higher learning.
it was a place of research.
it covered every single
discipline under the sun and
there was no end to its
>> and that became the model.
you had to integrate doing your
research and needed to provide
the housing, the classrooms, all
the food that they needed, and
the facilities that are required
in order to play in the game.
and that's a tough game to keep