designed to save you money.
>>> not a fishing expedition is
the message from the number two
top official at the justice
department about the special
counsel's russia investigation.
defending his department, their
work and his decision to appoint
bob mule tore take over the
russia probe.
>> the special counsel is
subject to the rules and
regulations of the department of
we don't engage in the fishing
it doesn't detail who may be in
the investigation.
we don't reveal that publicly.
bob mueller understands and i
understand the scope of the
investigation and so, no, it's
not a fishing expedition.
>> this comes in the face of
continued attacks from the
president himself that it is a
hoax, a witch hunt and
the special counsel is following
the trump money trail, looking
into financial crimes, some
connected to the 2016 election.
the president warned, of course,
digging into finances crosses a
red line.
now what?
susan is here, a former nsa