offer several messages the way
he likes to do it best on
just left the g-7 summit, great
meetings and relationships with
the six country leaders,
especially since they know i
cannot allow them to apply large
tariffs and strong barriers to
usa trade.
they fully understand where i'm
coming from.
after many decades, fair and
reciprocal trade will happen.
the united states will not allow
other countries to impose
massive tariffs and trade
barriers on its farmers, workers
and companies while sending
their product into our country
we have put up with trade abuse
for many decades and that is
long enough.
i'm on my way to singapore where
we have a chance to achieve a
truly wonderful result for north
korea and the world.
it will certainly be an exciting
day and i know that kim jong-un
will work very hard to do
something that has rarely been
done before, create peace and
great prosperit for his land.
i look forward to meeting him
and have a feeling that this