see for yourself.
>> madam leader, it's good to
have this opportunity.
>> thank you.
>> we are living a moment of
however, we are revisited by
something too common.
your home state, california,
another mass shooting.
this time it seems to involve a
do you believe there's any real
chance of bipartisan action from
congress that will help address
why we have these shootings?
>> i do.
first let me join you in
expressing sorrow over this mass
shooting and the loss of the
sheriff and every other life
lost there.
i do believe -- in this
congress, the one we're in this
minute, there is bipartisan
legislation to have common sense
background checks to prevent
guns going into the wrong hands.
it doesn't cover everything, but
it will save many lives.
it's bipartisan legislation.
we've asked the speaker to bring
it to the floor.
it has bipartisan support.
it would win.
he wouldn't bring it to the
>> why?
>> you have to ask him.
i think he doesn't bring it to
the floor...