ounces, 19 inches tall.
sending our warmth
congratulations best wishes to
the great new family.
i'm wolf blitzer.
follow me on twitter and
instagram at wolf blitzer tweet
at cnn sit room.
erin burnett outfront starts
right now.
>> breaking news, more than 40%
of democrats going against
pelosi's wishes voting to keep
alive a resolution to impeach
president trump.
and speaker pelosi keep her
party in check?
plus president trump claims he
is enjoying the fight over
racist tweets showing no signs
of letting up attack sns how do
supporters feel tonight.
bernie sanders fighting back
over health care.
does sanders plan to pay for the
med proposal add up?
>> and i'm erin burnett,
outfrontle the breaking news the
house of representative
rejecting a bid to launch
impeachment proceedings against
president trump and president
trump declaring victory.
telling reporters seconds ago we
just received overwhelming vote
against impeachment and that's
the end of it.
he called it a...