vote tomorrow, and you need to
know that.
you need to know and believe
your vote counts as much if it
is tabulated tomorrow and if it
is tabulated on wednesday,
thursday, or friday.
you need to know that and
believe it.
everybody should be saying it
out loud.
there are a few states that
count slowly.
one of the problems we have is
that a few of these states tend
to be some of the closest
states in the country.
so my best friends in
pennsylvania, but you do an
awful job.
by choice, though.
pennsylvania has chosen not to
start counting early votes
until election day.
they could have it all buttoned
up so that at 9:00 tomorrow,
when the polls, close we could
find out in pennsylvania, but
they have chosen not.
to >> personally now, john.
>> david irving and his friends
have done this.
>> in arizona, this is a
largely mail ballot states, and
nevada also they've changed and