people who had said this could
have been one of yoon's options
uh, for the past few months
given the the deadlock in the
parliament in the parliament
and the national assembly.
>> unlike parliamentary
systems, where you would have
an option maybe to dissolve the
parliament and call for a vote.
the korean system, with its
five year presidential term, a
single term, uh, and this
balance of powers really
doesn't uh, enable the
president to do anything when
he's in the situation where all
legislative, uh actions are
being frozen by an opposition
that's in the majority uh,
and, you know, at the very
least, you know, now the whole
world is talking about south
korea's political
difficulties. yoon has raised
this to a level of, uh, you
know debate that wasn't taking
place beforehand. so i think
from your perspective, this may
have been what he was either
anticipating or hoping for in
terms of being able to have
again his day in court, where
the public can kind of weigh
his case so that is...