>> they asked me to choose
between judaism and mormonism
and one sister told me, you
can't drink or have sex.
>> larry: lots about your family
in the new book, especially with
your dad, it's not exactly
father knows best stuff, but
here's an example.
to be very clear, this is from
the book.
"my father had no friends, so
when he says anything intimating
that he does, i know more likely
than not that he's referring to
one of his jamaican girlfriends.
we just know he's very
secretive, has a prescription
for cialis and frequently has
over young black jamaican women
who are supposedly cleaning and
hide in the bathroom when
someone drops by his house
how did your father react to
>> my father said to me when the
book came out and i was doing
the press for this book
initially a couple weeks ago, he
said, please stop telling people
i'm dating my jamaican cleaning
lady, because people are going
to think i'm unavailable.