get in.
that's just me.
isha, thank you very much.
>>> tonight's shot, a gorilla
walking like a person.
look at that.
not dragging the knuckles for
looks like he's moving along.
kind of cute.
and it's got us thinking.
anderson spent some time at the
great apes trust recently.
look at this.
>> he's not struggling like that
gorilla, i have to say.
he needs to work on his strut,
mr. cooper there.
>> i wonder how much he would
have paid me to keep that video
off the air tonight.
>> he loves it.
>> isha, thanks.
>>> up next, we've got this
story, people are outraged about
it's blowing up twitter.
a single mom sent to jail for
using her father's address
because she wanted her daughter
to go to a bitter school that
was in a safer neighborhood.
many people say sending the
woman to jail does not fit the