it doesn't have to be this kind
of triumphantalistriumphantalis.
pakistan, iraq and other
countries have suffered both
from bin laden and george bush's
war on terror which i hope
president obama ends because
it's time to close guantanamo
and time to stop committing the
injustices that we should be
better than.
because we must not descend to
the levels --
>> mona --
>> can i jump in?
>> before you do so, mona, you
raised a host of issues there,
that maybe we can revisit
another day.
hibah, respond how you reacted
to what you saw at ground zero,
either by being there, more
likely given that you're in
albuquerque, to watching it on
>> i have to say that when 9/11
happened, when i saw these
scenes of muslims celebrating in
the street, it was so horrific
to me and it was completely
and i think like mona said,
americans are better than this.
we need to take a higher moral
we need to not celebrate death
in this way and instead show
people we are humbled by these