georgetown university.
gregory porter from drexel
university, both 19.
and luke gates, 21, from indiana
they were all studying at
american university in cairo and
were accused of throwing
gasoline bombs from a rooftop at
security forces in tahrir
forces who were clashing with
a prosecutor said the young men
denied the charge and said the
empty bottles that were found
belonged to their friends, not
to them.
after their arrests this week,
the boys were released.
sweeney's parents say they did
nothing wrong and were falsely
the students are free and are
already en route back to the
states to their respective homes
celebrating a be lated
thanksgiving, certainly in more
ways than one, due back late
tonight, t.j.
and in derek sweeney's case, his
dad says he has no intention of
returning to cairo to finish his
not a surprise there.
>> that's it, they're done,
they're not facing any charges
over there?
this is just an ordeal that's