quite well, and i know dr. morsi
quite well, because he was
educated in southern california
and has a ph.d. in engineering
and has two children who are
students in american
universities and a dean in
engineering at a college, and he
is a responsible person and his
questions to my probing
questions have been
>> why are you satisfied by
mohamed morsi and this is
someone who is a converted
islamist as well with the muslim
brotherhood, and he has made
statements regarding egypt and
israel and particularly
regarding israelis and calling
them vampires and killers at one
>> well, i don't know what he
said in the past, but i know
what he says to me.
and also to the american
ambassador and to other visitors
and including congress members
from the united states that he
will honor the terms of the
treaty that i negotiated in 1979
between israel and egypt.
he is going to treat all of the
people in egypt the same.
he was instrumental in writing a
wonderful statement that...