fine, good.
because buddy r roemer is my guy
and i know i said herman cain is
my guy.
but i'm beginning to think-- and
i never thought i might say
this-- herman cain might not be
the next president of the united
you threw that one away.
nation, jesus said the poor
would always be with us.
well, it turns out jesus does
not know everything.
for more, fox news stu vashny sy
makes words come out of his
>> when you think of poverty,
you think of this.
but what if i told you it really
looks like this.
a new report showing poor
families in the united states
are not what they used to be.
i'm just going to give our
viewers a quick run-through of
what items poor families in
america have.
99% of them have a refrigerator.
81% have a microwave.
>> stephen: a refrigerator and
a microwave?
they can preserve and heat food?