was like on marriage equality,
and what the federal government
might be able to do to protect
lgbtq americans, especially
trans kids who are dealing with
all of these regressive state
laws that are popping up right
>> president biden: i can
remember exactly when my
epiphany was.
>> kal: okay.
>> president biden: i hadn't
thought much about it, to tell
you the truth.
and i was a senior in high
and my dad was dropping me off
and i was about to get out of
the car and i looked to my
right and two well-dressed men
in suits kissed each other.
i mean, they gave each other a
and then one went, looked like
he was headed to the
dupont building, one looked like
he was going to the hercules
corporation building.
and i'll never forget, i turned
and looked at my dad, he said,
joe, it is simple.
they love each other.
it is simple.
i'm not joking.
it is simple.