made it pretty clear that her
fidelity to rule of law trumped
her sympathy -- natural sip by
think for the immigrant
now, we just did that in a day
or two and i don't have the kind
of staff that my good friend the
senator from alabama has.
he should have it.
he's the ranking minority.
so it's very easy given the
number of staff, given the
public record, given that
there's no litigation or
discussion about executive
privilege as there was with both
judge alito -- judge -- nominee
alito and nominee roberts, that
a month, seems to me, to be
ample time, and the chairman in
his wisdom, which i will defer,
gave more than a month before
the day of the nomination.
mr. sessions: will the senator
yield for one question?
mr. schumer: i will happy to
yield to my colleague.
mr. sessions: i know that the
senator raised the question of
doing for this nominee as for
the others, if this goes forward
as planned, it would be 48 day