safety net, the creation of the
lot of good things came, the
marshall plan.
20 years after that when we
built the country that it bombed
this comet doing well and of
course germany and japan our
world as trading partners and
their political allies.
less statistic you have
100 billion jobe's needed right
now on the middle east over the
next decade.
so they calculate 60% of the
population will be under the age
of 25 at the end of the decade
with the need for 100 million
new jobs.
how are you going to create
100 million jobs and money are
losing 50 million jobs?
as you said you don't know the
ceo who is hiring so there's
nothing more dangerous in the
world than someone with no hope,
no skills, no economic
opportunity into much time.
do you follow me?
the real driver for the taliban,
the recruiter is not the
it is economics.
so what i have said is we have