what he's doing.
henry kissinger, you know, later
said the document put forth was
a terrible document.
the serbs could never have
accepted it.
i'm paraphrasing it but that's
the gist of what he said.
we finally what we have to be a
smoking gun, which is after the
war was over in parliamentary
hearings there was testimony
from lord john gilbert who was a
number two figure in the british
defense ministry in the war and
was responsible for the british
defense but a major role in the
he testified at length about the
war in 2000 supporting the war
and when he was asked about the
military annex he had this to
i think certain people were
spoiling for a fight in nato at
that time.
we were at a point where some
people felt something had to be
done against serbia so you just
provoked a fight.
with regard to the peace terms
themselves, gilbert said, quote,
i think the terms put to
milosevic were absolutely