state that have been
lobbying in albany, lobbying
our state senators.
as you can see, our senator
chuck schumer has been
leader and advocate on
immigration reform.
our senator kristin
gillibrand is very
sympathetic and supporter of
the dream act.
we believe our efforts are
not going unnoticed.
we need more colleagues in
the senate and congress to
support people like
gutierrez, chuck schumer and
kirstin gillibrand and
others so i feel like our
efforts are being heard.
>> just just follow-up on
the numbers again.
i spoke to an official at
the white house this morning
about those numbers and the
one thing that stood out
from what they said is, well,
you also have to consider
that some of those numbers
were for the first part of
the fiscal year '09 which,
president bush was still in
power, you know.
obama only came in power in
so that's their argument,
some of those numbers
reflect the outgoing bush
and also, the point about