17 places lower than we did in
1960 and we're now behind cuba,
the czech republic and hungary
and we're tied with poland and
while 163 other countries on the
planet, offered paid maternity
leave, and 45 provide paid
paternity leave, the united
states does not.
unpaid leave, if you can get
that, is the best we do.
the majority of poor people in
the united states are women.
and the gap in poverty rates
between men and women is wider
in america than anywhere else in
the western world.
but all of these issues and
facts remain erased in the
country's news media.
katie couric and diane sawyer
in 2006 of the 35 hosts or
co-hosts of prime time cable
news shows, 29 are men.
on the sunday talk shows, men
outnumber women by 4-1.
home wood is still very much run
by men.
we all applauded katherine big