>> caller: good morning, marc,
john, greta politico of things,
one is i seen you guys on other
shows and one of the things
that's fascinating to me is the
country seems to be a state of
dissidents, barack obama is the
on prepared and unqualified to
be president.
john mccain is the longtime
politician with experience and
based on what you guys have said
this morning to me the exact
opposite, the reverse is true.
barack obama seems to be hoping
and change and all that but he
seems to be a very savvy
politician, brilliant strategic
thinker and a very well-prepared
and understands the issues and
yet all of the buzz right now
about sarah palin who mostly
speaks and her vocabulary is
mostly models love it and i
haven't heard her say anything
of substance in terms of public
policy from the time she started