definition of "cellulosic
h.r. 4337, an tooct amend the
internal revenue code of 1986 to
modify certain rules applicable
to regulated investment
companies and for other
h.r. 847, an act to amend the
public health service act to
extend an improve protections
and services to individuals
directly impacted by the
terrorist attack in new york
city on september 11, 2001, and
for other purposes.
mr. reid: mr. president, i
would object to any further
proceedings-to-with respect to
these bills en bloc.
the presiding officer:
objection has been heard.
the bills will be placed on the
under rule 14.
mr. reid: i welcome back my
friends and welcome our new
colleagues who will be sworn in
as united states senators.
senators manchin and couldn't
are joining our family today.
the senate will look a little
different today starting today.
it will soon look much different
with 16 new senators fake office
some desks will switch aisles
but the majority has not