a municipal provider, let's say
they paid 10% under the stafford
act of the repair.
they would be passing along
2.5 million to the ratepayers
instead of 25 million, or if
they have got a 75/25 share they
would be passing along 6 million
to the ratepayers instead of
25 million.
those ratepayers pay federal
taxes in exactly the same way
that neighboring community of
cartilage who has a municipal
utility pays taxes.
we have been frankly more
experienced with devastating ice
we would have miles and miles of
polls broken off and the mileage
that is in the electric co-op
federal taxpayers come in and
say we are going to help you
keep your future rates low for
if it is in a municipal utility
they say we are going to help
you keep your future rates low
but if it happens to be in a
for-profit we say you are going
to go to the psc or whatever you
call the commission in any state
and you are going to ask them
and they are going to tell you