chiefs association.
our final witness is mr. kevin
o'connor, assistant to the
general prison for the
international association of
thank you again to the witnesses
for being here today.
as the witnesses should know,
spoken testimony is limited to
five minutes each.
after all witnesses of spoken,
members of the committee will
have five minutes each to ask
i now recognize the first
witness, the united states fire
administrator, ernest mitchell.
>> good morning, chairman quayle
to the crosby, ranking member
edwards and members of the
my name is ernest mitchell, jr.
of the emergency management
agency and the united states
fire administrator in charge of
the united states fire
administration at the department
of homeland security.
it is indeed an honor to appear
before you today to discuss the
u.s. fire had fenestration.
the fire administration is
committed to providing national
leadership to foster a solid
foundation for the fire and