and the story, as my introducer,
henry olsen, has just told you
of collective effort, of
government directing the
resources of the, of american
economy towards a single
collective end and achieving in
the process an outpouring of
american wartime material of the
like the world had never seen
70% of all of the war equipment
used by the allies in world war
ii came out of american
it's an incredible story.
it's the industrial miracle of
the 20th century, what occurred
but what i'm going to tell you
is a story that shows that the
usual version has this
that where we usually start is
where it should finish.
and where it should start,
actually, is not in factories
like wichita's b-29 plant, but
back in the spring of 1940.
and i want to put you in the
place of the man who would, in