i'm going to make this quick i
went to georgia tech and leila's
went to georgia and we haven't
beaten the university of georgia
but one time in the last ten
years, so i just want to make
this remark and he is a fine
he's rather uneducated because
of where we went to school but
on the other hand i am very
educated and very quickly a long
time ago in a place far, far
away, a group of americans, many
of your contemporaries but much
of you are much under had the
pleasure of going to graduate
school in a terrible place.
it took over six years on
average to get out of there.
a lot of it had to do with
academic problems which held us
back, but most of all we were in
a laboratory and a literally was
in a laboratory of incredibly
unique i don't think the
business school could quite
compare with what we
we learned of leadership, we
possessed it to a certain extent
and we had agreed leaders some
of them will be introduced to
ensure shortly both senior and