defense attorney, professor at
the thomas jefferson school of
law in san diego.
she's the past president of the
national lawyers' guild, she
testified before congress in
2008 about the bush
administration's torture policy.
she's testified as an expert
witness at military hearings
about war illegality and the
duty to disobey unlawful orders.
her latest book is "the united
states and torture."
and her upcoming book is about
drones and so-called targeted
marjorie cohn.
>> thank you, jeff, and thank
you to all my fellow panelists.
i'm just delighted to be here
with you all today.
with so many places to get
information all claiming to have
the truth, there is no objective
during the vietnam war there
were three networks.
there was no cable, there was no
every city had a democratic
newspaper and a republican
even if they disagreed, there
was a general core belief and