the clerk: calendar number 195,
h.j. res. 59, making continuing
appropriations for fiscal year
2014 and for other purposes.
mr. reid: i have an amendment at
the desk.
the presiding officer: the clerk
will report the amendment.
the clerk: the senator from
nevada, mr. reid, proposes an
amendment numbered 1974.
mr. reid: on the amendment juts
reported i ask i ask for the yed
the presiding officer: is there
a sufficient second?
there appears to be.
the yeas and nays are ordered.
mr. reid: i have a second-degree
amendment at the desk.
the presiding officer: the clerk
will report.
the clerk: the senator from
nevada, mr. reid, proposes an
amendment numbered 1975 to
amendment numbered 1974.
mr. reid: mr. president, in
relation to that i have a motion
to recommit -- a motion to
commit h.j. res. 59 and that has
instructions at the desk.
the presiding officer: the clerk
will report the motion.
the clerk: the senator from
nevada, mr. reid, moves to
commit the bill to the committee