has the basic defect.
>> do you think mr. clement and
this goes back to justice
ginsburg question that this
treaty have itself regulated
individual conduct?
could the treaty have them
>> i think that's an interesting
question and i don't think the
court needs to answer.
i would take the position that
if there really were
self-executing treaty that try
to impose criminal prohibitions
and i don't think there's any
treaty like that but if there
were one i would say here it
violates the constitution for
the same basic reasons that this
implementing legislation does.
>> where would you find that in
the constitution because there
is clearly a treaty power that
does not have subject matter
limitations and indeed if you go
back to the founding history
it's clear that they thought
about all kinds of subject
matter limitations in james
madison and others decided quite
consciously not to impose them.
food where would you find that
limitation the constitution?