majority leader.
mr. reid: is the senate in a
quorum call?
the presiding officer: it is.
mr. reid: i ask consent that it
be vitiated.
the presiding officer: without
mr. reid: i ask unanimous
consent that at a time
determined by me with the
concurrence of senator
mcconnell senate proceed to
executive session to calendar
number 952, that there be four
hours for debate equally divided
in the usual form, upon the use
or yielding back of that time,
the senate proceed to vote with
no intervening action or debate
on the nomination, that if
confirmed the motion to
reconsider will be considered
and laid on the table with no
intervening action or debate,
no further motion be in order to
the nomination, any statements
related to the nomination be
printed in the record, that the
president be immediately
notified of the senate's
action, and the senate then
resume legislative session.
the presiding officer: without
mr. reid: i note the absence of
a quorum.
the presiding...