controlling the final half.
mr. durbin: mr. president?
the presiding officer: the
assistant democratic leader.
mr. durbin: thank you
mr. president.
my calculation we have today and
three more days before the
department of homeland security
is shut down.
think about what happened this
last weekend all across america.
it was disclosed publicly that
an extremist group a terrorist
group, al-shabaab, had some
communication among their
membership targeting malls in
america for extremism and
god forbid that ever happens.
i know that those who are
managing these malls look at the
terrible situation that occurred
in africa and want to make
certain it's never repeated
anywhere let alone in the united
they're making extraordinary
efforts to protect people across
america not only as they're
shopping in malls but in other
places as they should.
and what is the lead agency to
protect america against
what is the lead agency to make
sure that we never ever again in