yesterday i spoke with warren's
wife elaine and prime minister
renzi of italy.
as a husband and as a father i
cannot begin to imagine the
anguish the weinstein and lo
porto families are enduring
i realize there nor words that
can ever equal their loss.
i know there is nothing that i
can ever say or do to ease their
heartache, and today i want to
say this at president and
commander in chief, take full
responsibility for all our
counterterrorism operations
including the one that
inadvertently took the lives of
warren and giovanni.
i profoundly regret what
on behalf of the united states
government, i offer our deepest
apologies to the families.
as soon as we determined the
cause of their death, i directed
that the existence of this
operation be declassified and
disclosed publicly.
i did so because the weinstein
and lo porto families deserve to