so welcome to saint anselm
college, and i will hand it off.
welcome, governor.
>> good morning, everyone.
are good afternoon at this
just barely.
thanks for being here today and
i am kate luczko, president and
ceo of stay work play dementia.
just a snapshot from the idea
behind this event.
were looking for an opportunity
to get to know the president
candidate carefully benjamite
here elsewhere.
we are looking for questions to
promote conversations, questions
that may be of particular
interest to you folks so we have
and this that 20 and
thirtysomething audience.
the idea that life of the party
is to get to know some as if
they were hosting a party.
but what they wear bucks will
get into those questioned in a
little bit.
before we get started i want to
ask our other moderators to
introduce themselves but also we
have a hashtag if you're on
facebook or twitter sure to take
advantage of those.
it's like the party nh.
spent on chris, i've lived up