afternoon president trump and
german chancellor angela merkel
media in the white house today
and not without they will take
questions from german and
american reporters.
the news conference is scheduled
for 1:20 p.m. eastern live on
>> saturday evening at 8:15 p.m.
eastern on book tv new
york-based journalist and civil
rights attorney talks about the
lives and struggles of the
people living in her
grandmother's apartment building
in syria in her book: the home
that was our country.
>> people in syria where the
optimists, but most people at
that point after 40 years of the
suitor brute-- super brutal
regime were pretty nervous about
what was to come.
>> on sunday at 7:00 p.m.
eastern chelsea clinton and
debbie discuss their book.
>> what are the differences
between the old institutions are
more traditional multilateral
institutions, debbie h on the