tuesday is "grown-up anger: the
connected mysteries of bob
dylan, woody guthrie, and the
calumet massacre of 1913".
as the title suggests, it gives
three tales the biographies of
bob dylan, woody guthrie and the
back story of the tragedy in
michigan, the tragedy he puts in
the context of the early labor
movement in this country.
the review calls this book a
dazzling richly researched
story, impeccably told.
karen lewis says if you are not
true with unions consider daniel
wolff blank "grown-up anger" a
must read.
music is a main character and
i've told people youtube is an
essential companion to the buck.
you want to hear the songs he
writes about so the founding
member is joining us and will
perform a few of the songs that
are particularly important in
this fascinating book.
so, for a thought provoking
entertaining hour please welcome
daniel wolff and emily kane.