i was operating in college park
maryland and found an index
it indicated there should be
more about her.
they said no, not here.
go to the main office downtown
i went to downtown d.c.
they said i don't think we have
maybe such and such a person
went on and on, didn't seem i
was going to find anything.
finally an archivist who didn't
use the computer said wait a
minute, i think i know where to
he went back into the entrails
of the archives in a kind of
felt like we were operating in
the last scene of indiana jones,
you know, like there must have
been this amazing warehouse of
talks is, dusty boxes.
it think it was because finally
he came back with a dusty box in
went, here it is.
each row of 2000 pages of court
testimony on the case of claire