rule 22, at 11:50 a.m. on
wednesday, november 15, the
senate proceed to the
consideration of the following
executive calendar 463.
further, that that be up to ten
minutes of debate on the
nomination equally divided in
the usual form and following the
use or yielding back of time the
senate vote on the nomination
with no intervening action or
debate, that if confirmed the
motion to reconsider be
considered made and laid upon
the table and the president be
immediately notified of the
senate's action.
the presiding officer: without
mr. mcconnell: i further ask
that following disposition of
the esper nomination, all
postcloture time on executive
calendar 383 be considered
the presiding officer: without
mr. mcconnell: so for the
information of senators, there
will be three roll call votes at
noon tomorrow.
i ask unanimous consent the
senate proceed to legislative
session for a period of morning
business with senators permitted
to speak therein for...