oppenheimer was not one to
suffer fools.
he thought that straws' position
in this was foolish and straws
was a fool.
so oppenheimer who was certainly
arrogant, simply made fun of
straws in the congressional
and straws never forgot or
forgave oppenheimer for that.
but as well as straws, of
course, is a primary force
behind the lobby for the h bomb.
as the chairman of the gac or
the aec.
so they came to opposition.
straws was the chief figure
behind the hearing.
it really was his engineering of
the hearing that caused it to
take place.
the hearing, too, was unlike a
it's a closed -- actually a
secret administrative procedure.
it is called a personnel
security board hearing that
unlike a trial, you're not
allowed to confront your
it takes place in, as i say, in
the usual rules of evidence do
not apply.
there is no appeal except to the