thiol values allowed me to be an
effective leader at procter &
those values are what i will
bring to the management of v.a.
i am still guided by that cadet
prayer which encouraged us to
choose the harder right rather
than the easier wrong.
to me taking care of veterans is
re personal.
i come from and care deeply for
military families.
my father served in the army air
corps after world war ii.
my wife's father was shot down
over europe and survived harsh
treatment as a p.o.w.
her uncle was exposed to agent
orange in vietnam and still
receives care from the v.a.
my nephew right now is in the
air force flying missions over
the middle east.
my 33 years with procter &
gamble taught me the importance
of effective management, strong
leadership, and of being
responsive to the needs of
when you joined the company in
1980, we recorded $10 million in