their mistaken impression.
inspector general horowitz, we
welcome and we look forward to
your testimony today.
and to your assistant's
legislative response is indeed
i thank the chairman and yield
>> the chair thanks the
and chair understands that the
gentleman from ohio would like
to make a brief statement
welcoming the inspector general.
>> i thank the chairman.
i'm looking at the letter you
signed along with a bunch of
other inspector generals from
august 5th of this year.
the first paragraph talks about
serious limitations on access of
record and the second paragraph
department of justice recently
faced restriction.
i was going to say welcome to
the club.
it's no -- i think it's
noticeable that four of these
six republican members here are
also from the oversight
i know, we have a hearing
tomorrow on the very issue.
we have been frustrated from the
kind of response we've gotten
from the internal revenue
service and the department...